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Zachary Alvarado

Esther Boyer College of Music, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA

It was the act of joining a choir in sixth grade that set my path toward music and media.
From my time in middle school, my engagement in music has been a splendid one. I’ve
been able to experience events and people that were different from the last. The diversity of
opinions and ideologies is something one cannot ignore and not educate oneself from. I have
always been fond of learning, and strive to pursue art in any form that allows me to make people feel. At Temple, I continue the appreciation and dedication I gained from High School and am improving every day. Currently, I have performed the national anthem at several Philadelphia Union games; sung with Temple’s Concert, Graduate Conductors, and Recital Chorus Choirs, and engaged in every possible media event Temple provides, from Operas, Musicals, and Plays.

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